doctor holding liverBy: Gwieneverea Brandon, MD

How is your liver? I am not talking about the liver you may be having for dinner tonight, like liver and onions with gravy. I am talking about the liver in your body. I dare to say that the majority of us know that we have a liver, but only a small percentage actually know what the liver does. Please allow me to indulge myself.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It definitely is the largest organ we have and the most solid. It is located in the upper right abdomen tucked up under the diaphragm and lower ribs. You can feel its edge if you roll your fingers down just below your last rib. It should be smooth and no lower than 2-3 finger breadths below your ribs.

The liver is often called the central chemical laboratory of the body as it produces over ten thousand different chemicals allowing for direct and indirect vital body functions. The liver is the body’s poison control center and main detoxifier. The liver neutralizes many harmful ingested substances that find their way into the body – some intentional, and some unintentional ingestion’s. For example, if you have had too many beers or martinis, your liver is responsible for neutralizing the alcohol and preparing it for elimination. If you work in a factory and are constantly exposed to contaminated air, your liver steps in to help in the elimination of inhaled pollutants.

The liver also has a major role in digestion. It houses the gallbladder where bile is found. Bile is needed for the digestion of fats. The liver also stores vitamins that are needed for other functions in the body. For example, it stores Vitamins B12, Vitamin A (needed for vision), Vitamin D (for calcium absorption), and Vitamin K (to help blood clotting). It also stores iron and folic acid. Carbohydrates are also produced in the liver and the organ is responsible for turning glucose (sugar) into glycogen that can be stored both in the liver and in muscle cells. 

With all of its responsibilities it is vital to keep the liver working properly. Too much damage can lead to a variety of liver conditions from hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer, to liver failure. As with any organ, if it is not taken care of, it will fail. The body is designed to give signals if it is off balance. The liver may need to be cleaned if the body is experiencing bloating, constipation, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, headaches, cramping, joint or tendon problems, menstrual problems, and/or blurry vision.

On the other hand, a liver that is functioning optimally can lead to increased energy, clearer skin, decrease in the frequency of infections, strengthened immune response, decrease in digestive issues and irregularity, improved oral health, and an increase in mental clarity.

There are many practical steps that can be taken to keep the liver in tip-top shape. For starters individuals should reduce alcohol intake, stop smoking cigarettes, exercise, maintain an ideal body weight for height, and consume healthy foods. Foods that can specifically help support the liver are vast. A few common liver supporters are garlic, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), green leafy vegetables, walnuts, turmeric, and avocados. In addition, there are many herbs that are beneficial for liver support: milk thistle, holy basil, and dandelion root have been shown to assist the liver.

An individual may also opt to do a liver cleanse by following the instructions of a health practitioner who is well versed in the vitamin, minerals, herbs, and foods that will assist in cleansing and supporting the liver. By cleansing, the liver is induced to purge fats, old cholesterol deposits, poisons, drug residues, and toxic waste it has been storing. Probably nothing else someone does (including even a colon detox) will make a greater difference in overall health. A typical liver cleanse can be from 5 to 21 days.

Whether you support your liver by eliminating insults, changing your eating habits, consuming liver supporting foods/herbs, or following the guidance of a healthcare practitioner for a liver detox, it is important to pay attention to your liver. Your liver will continue to work hard for you if you diligently focus on keeping it healthy and strong.
